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Who are we ?

The Beast Foundation has been heavily focused on education for underprivileged young people and harnessing sports talent since its founding in 2020.

The Beast Foundation and the Partners of Elyseum Family Office (“Elyseum”) shared their common vision to impact society by investing in girls’ education.

Elyseum – through their clients and network of investors – fully support this very special program impacting the future of our girl’s place and responsibilities in society.

Through mentorship, scholarships, inspiring female patrons, and alumni network,
our aim is to offer support, training and education to young girls and build them up into fierce future leaders that will in turn help the next generation of young girls forge their own path.

Why we invested in the girls.

Lead Like a Girl is a Leadership & Education program for teenage girls from the age of 13. Without adequate support girls in vulnerable conditions are less likely to attend school, leading to vulnerability to domestic violence, early marriage, and lower income.

Girls receive little or no funding to pursue their dreams, without partners who will come alongside to help them change their world – they have few people who believe in their unique ability to lead.

The Beast Foundation, in partnership with Elyseum, will champion the program for girls in five key activity pillars:

  • Schooling Support
  • Annual Leadership Camp
  • Inter- Africa country Visits
  • Ongoing Mentorship
  • Alumni Support
  • The “5” Programme Pillars



    3  days of Leadership development

    • Leadership Facilitators to conduct workshops
    • Activities – physical and mental
    • Group sessions
    • Individual sessions
    • Presentation of own projects to the team
    • Peer learning
    • Power Packs: Phone, Laptop, Branded clothes/gear, reading material, journal, etc.



    Visits hosted by influential women across continent.

    We take chosen girls in groups for country visits hosted by prominent female leaders from each of the 5 African regions.

    Girls will also experience women making an impact through excellence in craft and business.



    • Covering tuition and boarding for the duration of their schooling
    • Covering educational resources such as learning materials and tools.
    • School extra-curricular activities support.
    • Psycho-social support for vulnerable girls as they transition into new learning environments.



    • Assigned mentors for each girl
    • LinkedIn/Facebook/ WhatsApp Group with other program beneficiaries for support, idea sharing, knowledge sharing, best practice sharing, cultural exchange, etc.
    • Talent nurturing with lessons/coaching, financial support for participation in tournaments (sports or cultural)
    • Strategic events and platforms participation and attendance


    • Each Lead Girl becomes a beacon for other girls in the program.
    • LLAG Alumni are invited to act as mentors and support to others in the program
    • Lead Girls become part of a network of Mentors, female leads and other alumni.


    3  days of Leadership development

    • Leadership Facilitators to conduct workshops
    • Activities – physical and mental
    • Group sessions
    • Individual sessions
    • Presentation of own projects to the team
    • Peer learning
    • Power Packs: Phone, Laptop, Branded clothes/gear, reading material, journal, etc.


    • Visits hosted by influential women across continent.
    • We take chosen girls in groups for country visits hosted by prominent female leaders from each of the 5 African regions.
    • Girls will also experience women making an impact through excellence in craft and business.


    • Covering tuition and boarding for the duration of their schooling
    • Covering educational resources such as learning materials and tools.
    • School extra-curricular activities support.
    • Psycho-social support for vulnerable girls as they transition into new learning environments.


    • Assigned mentors for each girl
    • LinkedIn/Facebook/ WhatsApp Group with other program beneficiaries for support, idea sharing, knowledge sharing, best practice sharing, cultural exchange, etc.
    • Talent nurturing with lessons/coaching, financial support for participation in tournaments (sports or cultural)
    • Strategic events and platforms participation and attendance


    • Each Lead Girl becomes a beacon for other girls in the program.
    • LLAG Alumni are invited to act as mentors and support to others in the program
    • Lead Girls become part of a network of Mentors, female leads and other alumni.

    We Are Salient

    Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the little blind texts. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas.

    It's time to make moves

    A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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    Now or never

    A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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    Stop waiting around

    A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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    It's time to make moves

    A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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    Now or never

    A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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    Stop waiting around

    A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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